Help with rasters

Jeff Dege jdege at KORTERRA.COM
Fri Oct 20 12:44:02 EDT 2006

A customer has sent us a bunch of mapdata, to see if we can make any
sense from it.  I've been messing around with mapserver for a while,
now, and I've figured out how to work some of its capabilities, but this
is my first attempt to handle rasters.

The data set has four sets of shape files, three of which are
point/line/polygon data and the fourth which seems to be a tileindex for
the thousands of jpg and jgw files.

I'm starting simple - writing a map file and trying to get a map image
using shp2img.  I have no problem doing this with the three
point/line/polygon layers.  But I've not been able to do this with the
raster data.

I can run gdalinfo on the jpg files:

  Size is 1610, 1609
  Coordinate System is `'
  Origin = (-93.112361,44.933805)
  Pixel Size = (0.00001279,-0.00000900)
  Corner Coordinates:
  Upper Left  ( -93.1123608,  44.9338046)
  Lower Left  ( -93.1123608,  44.9193245)
  Upper Right ( -93.0917678,  44.9338046)
  Lower Right ( -93.0917678,  44.9193245)
  Center      ( -93.1020643,  44.9265646)
  Band 1 Block=1610x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
  Band 2 Block=1610x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
  Band 3 Block=1610x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue

I can run gdaltindex to create my own tileindex shape file:

  gdaltindex  \\server\share\test\data\rasterindex

And I can run ogrinfo on the generated shapefile:

  INFO: Open of `\\server\share\app\data'
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

  Layer name: rasterindex
  Geometry: Polygon
  Feature Count: 683
  Extent: (-93.338884, 44.455961) - (-92.721094, 44.933805)
  Layer SRS WKT:
  location: String (255.0)

But when I run shp2img, I get nada.  With DEBUG=ON:

  Unable to open file rasterindex for layer A ... ignoring this missing
  msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (A), 0.000s
  msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s
  msDrawMap() total time: 0.000s

The rastedindex shape files (.dbf, .shp, and .shf) files are in the same
directories as the other point/line/polygon shape files that I've been
able to successfully draw layers with using this mapfile.  Ogrinfo has
no trouble accessing the file.

The underlying .jpg files are in the same directory, and gdalinfo and
gdaltindex had no trouble opening them.

The layer in the mapfile itself is pretty simple:

    NAME "A"
    DATA "rasterindex"

Any hints as to what I'm doing wrong?

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