HTML Legend.

Bob Basques bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM
Fri Sep 22 21:48:56 EDT 2006


Hi all, I've been using the HTML legend for a while now with very good 
results, I have a check box system working nicely showing when a layer 
is on/off, etc.

I was wondering, has anyone an example of setting it up to grey out a 
checkbox if the scale of view is out of range (MINSCALE/MAXSCALE in the 
mapfile).  I have an idea of how it might be done, but not sure.  Just 
asking before I go at it from scratch.

Here is my Legend TEMPLATE as it stands now along with a typical MAPFILE 
entry, and a sample output on the end:

MAPFILE ENTRY (one of many :c):

          LEGEND_TITLE "Census Tract Centroids"
          LEGEND_META_GROUP "foreground"



    [if name=first_foreground_layer oper=isset] <b>Foreground:</b> <br
    /> [/if]
    [if name=first_background_layer oper=isset] <b>Background:</b> <br
    /> [/if]

    [if name=legend_display_level oper=isset]
    [if name=legend_display_level oper=neq value=-1]
    [if name=layer_status oper=neq value=2]
    <input alt="[leg_group_name] Control"
    [if name=legend_meta_group oper=eq value=foreground] type="checkbox"
    [if name=legend_meta_group oper=eq value=background] type="radio" [/if]
    name="layer" value="[leg_group_name]"
    [if name=layer_status oper=neq value=0] checked="checked" [/if] />
    [if name=group_maxscale oper=isset]
    <input type="hidden" name="[leg_group_name]_Maxscale"
    value="[metadata name=group_maxscale]" />
    [if name=group_minscale oper=isset]
    <input type="hidden" name="[leg_group_name]_Minscale"
    value="[metadata name=group_minscale]" />
    <img alt="[leg_group_name] Legend Image"
    name="[leg_group_name]LegendImg" src="[leg_icon]" width="21"
    height="14" />
    [if name=metadata_url oper=isset]
    <a href='javascript:var temp ="[metadata
    name=METADATA_URL]", "meta",
    [if name=legend_title oper=isset]
    [metadata name=LEGEND_TITLE]
    [if name=metadata_url oper=isset]
    <br />

    [leg_layer_html opt_flag=0]
    [if name=legend_display_level oper=isset]
    [if name=legend_display_level oper=eq value=2]
    <img alt="Group Legend Image" src="[leg_icon]" width="21"
    height="14" /><br /><span class="small">[leg_layer_name]</span><br />

    [leg_class_html opt_flag=0]
    [if name=legend_display_level oper=isset]
    [if name=legend_display_level oper=eq value=3]
    <img alt="Class Legend Image" src="[leg_icon]" width="21"
    height="14" /><br /><span class="small">[leg_class_name]</span><br />


    <input alt="bg_mntrct00_point Control" 
    type="checkbox" name="layer" value="bg_mntrct00_point" />

    <img alt="bg_mntrct00_point Legend Image" name="bg_mntrct00_pointLegendImg" src="/tmp/view_27723_1158975512_22_0_20_12.png" width="21" height="14" />

    Census Tract Centroids   

    <br />

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