OGR join between shapefile and DBF

Gambin Dejan Dejan.Gambin at PULA.HR
Mon Aug 27 05:00:49 EDT 2007


I have read Frank's post on this subject. I am interested if there is a
way to use relative paths in defining joins between shapefile and DBF.

In my case, I have many layers using this join and suddenly they stopped
working. Since now they worked in following way:
CONNECTION "/var/www/demodata" //path to folder where the shapefile
DATA "SELECT a.ID, b.NAME FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON a.ID=b.ID" //b is table
in b.dbf

But it stopped working after I changed the mapserver and p.mapper
version. Now the only way it works is the following:

CONNECTION "/var/www/demodata/a.shp" //path to the shapefile
DATA "SELECT a.ID, b.NAME FROM a LEFT JOIN '/var/www/demodata/b.dbf'.b
ON a.ID=b.ID"

Why is that? Is there a way I don't have to enter all the full paths

Thanks very much

regards, dejan

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