querybypoint problem with inline layer (php/mapscript)

Didrik Pinte dpinte at ITAE.BE
Tue Aug 28 11:08:33 EDT 2007


I've got a strange problem with queryByPoint on a dynamically created
layer. I get the correct shapeindex after running the query with
MS_SINGLE parameter. But when calling the getShape method, I always
receive :

Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msINLINELayerGetShape(): No inline
feature with this index. in [...]

I correctly set the tileindex of getShape to -1 according to the
documentation but this does not solve the problem.

Googling a bit did not help. So if someone has a trick to solve the
problem, i'll be very happy.

Here are some details :

The layer is created that way : 

    $point = $obj->get_point();
    // create new shapeObj (still must be a line for points layer ...)
    $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);
    $pt = ms_newLineObj();
    $shp->classindex = 0;
    $shp->set('text', $obj->get_id());
    $shp->set('index', $obj->get_id());

Then it's queried that way : 

   $map_extent = set_extent_from_post($map, $_POST["extent"]);

    // transform pixel to geo coords :
    $cx = Pix2Geo($_POST["mapa_x"], 0, $map->height, $map_extent[0],
$map_extent[2], 0);
    $cy = Pix2Geo($_POST["mapa_y"], 0, $map->width , $map_extent[1],
$map_extent[3], 1);   
    $mpoint = ms_newPointObj();
    $mpoint->SetXY($cx, $cy);
    // find into layer the most closed point
    $res = $layer->queryByPoint($mpoint, MS_SINGLE, 100);
    if ($res == MS_SUCCESS){
        echo "Identification succeeded <br />";
        echo $layer->getNumResults();
        $rslt  =  $layer->getResult(0);       
        $shape = $layer->getShape(-1, $rslt->shapeindex);
    } elseif ($res == MS_FAILURE) {
        echo "Nothing to identify ...";        

I can provide more details if needed.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Didrik Pinte <dpinte at itae.be>
Information Technologies for the Agro-Environment
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