[work] Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] hosted website installation

Tara Athan tara_athan at ALT2IS.COM
Wed Aug 29 10:30:51 EDT 2007

I did try running the wrapper as follows:
/home/alttwois/public_html/cgi-bin/mapserv.real -v

I can't verify that gdal was built and installed properly because I am 
not experienced with this and I could have done something wrong.
However I do find libgdal.so.1 in the folder /home/alttwois/local/lib - 
is that a guarantee that it was installed correctly?
In particular, the ls command shows these files

alttwois at alt2is.com [~]# cd local/lib
alttwois at alt2is.com [~/local/lib]# ls
./   libgd.a    libgd.so@    libgd.so.2.0.0*  libgdal.la*  libgdal.so.1@
../  libgd.la*  libgd.so.2@  libgdal.a        libgdal.so@  

Note I also installed libgd. I was concerned at first that the mapserver 
error didn't list libgd as a problem, but then I discovered that 
bluehost has libgd installed, so apparently mapserver is using the 
library in the standard location.
However, I did discover this:
gdlib-config --version
But the website 
says that mapserver requires at least 2.0.29
So in order to run mapserver properly I would also need to convince it 
to use gd from my home directory as that is the more recent version.


Gregor Mosheh wrote:
>> So basically they are saying it must be either gdal's fault or 
>> MapServer's fault that mapserver cannot access the gdal library from 
>> an alternate location.
>> Anyone care to weigh in on this?
> Yeah: GDAL and Mapserver can work just fine under these circumstances, 
> if we figure out what's wrong.
> Did you ever try running that wrapper, or the command line specifying 
> a LD_LIBRARY_PATH as I had suggested? That should have done it, 
> assuming that GDAL/OGR built and installed properly.
>> I guess I am giving up on the installation of Mapserver on the hosted 
>> website and will have to get some help from a GIS hosting service (or 
>> set up my own web server).
> If you go this route, feel free to contact me. I hate shilling on the 
> mailing list, but our primary business *is* geo-savvy web-hosting.

My e-mail delivery has been unreliable lately, so I am asking for
return receipts from all my email messages.
OK'ing the return receipt lets me know that my message was delivered.
Thank you.

Tara Athan
Principal, Alternatives to Invasive Species
tara_athan at alt2is.com
PO Box 415
Redwood Valley, CA 95470

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