Why does my WFS filter not work?

Yewondwossen Assefa yassefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Mon Dec 3 12:58:44 EST 2007

Gregor Mosheh wrote:
>>>> Is it possible for you to check mapserver debug messages (set DEBUG 
>>>> true on the layer)
>> CONFIG  "MS_ERRORFILE" "test.log"
>> DEBUG 5
>> This should write all debug informations in the file. And you should 
>> set DEBUG true on your postgis layer.
> Big question:
> This version of "enabling debugging" isn't on the website, as far as I 
> can see. Or if it is, it's not mentioned from the debug and log 
> directives in the mapfile reference. Is this new for MS4 or MS4.10, 
> and/or should the docs be updated?
  This is 5.0 (check 
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/development/rfc/ms-rfc-28/). Not sure about 
  official documentation.

> BUT, now that the logging is working, it was somewhat informative:
> "featcode"::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),gid::text 
> from parcels WHERE (gid= 2389524) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(-1 
> -1,-1 -1)'::BOX3D,find_srid('','parcels','the_geom') ));
> See that BOX3D() for intersection testing? If I so a manual SQL query, 
> swapping in real coordinates such as BOX3D(168.011 -46.919,168.12 
> -46.89) then it finds the feature!
> So: What's with this spurious bbox when one was not specified in the 
> URL? I tried the Subversion version as well, and got exactly the same 
> results.

  I think this comes from the fact that the extents in your map are not 
set.  Please retry this by setting EXTENT to something valid.

Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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