PHP/MapScript getShape() failing with an index returned by getResult() - PostGIS layer

Dirk Tilger dirk at ADVTECHME.COM
Tue Feb 27 02:14:34 EST 2007

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 01:49:39PM -0600, Doug B wrote:
> The getShape() call returns nothing.  If I try to echo the shape
> object itself, it's blank, and not surprisingly all of the attributes
> are as well, including index.

What does var_dump($shape) have to say exactly?

> On an older system (MapServer 4.2, Postgres 7.4.3, PostGIS 0.9) this
> code works correctly, and I can't see what we could be doing wrong
> between asking the layer for a shapeindex and asking the layer for the
> shape at that shapeindex.  The database appears to contain valid data,
> and the query sees enough of it to find the correct number of results.

The layer is PostGIS? If it is: how have you verified those 88 results 
above are correct? One thing I would have tried would have been to turn 
on query logging.

Have you tried a different PHP?


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