very large tile index

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Thu Jul 12 14:52:30 EDT 2007

Christopher Condit wrote:
> I've got a fairly large set of .tif files (A total of 2774 images at
> roughly 400mgs each). They've all had gdaladdo run (at 2 4 8 16), and
> then a tile index created. If I attempt to draw the map with mapserver
> at the full extents, the cgi request times out. I realize this is too
> much data, but the question is: how do I find out at what point the tile
> index will break down and overview should be used? Also, if MapServer
> won't draw the composite image, will shp2image work?
> This is running on a linux machine with 4 2.8 ghz Pentiums and 4gb
> RAM...


Mapserv *should* work if given enough time but for a full overview image
processing through 2700 files still takes quite a while.  Likewise
shp2img should work.  The operational solution is to create a low resolution
mosaiced layer all in one file and use MINSCALE/MAXSCALE on the layers to
switch between the tileindex layer and the overview layer at appropriate

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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