Get Image by url in database

patrice canonici patrice.canonici at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 19 14:57:10 EDT 2007

sorry, t post, 2 times, Ididn't see it was sorted by subject ...

2007/7/19, Patrice Canonici <patrice.canonici at>:
> Hi all
> fist, know that It is my first message on this list and I'm working
> for the first time with MapServer.
> I'm trying to configure WMS MapServer. I'm using a PostGIS database to
> store polygon, called datastrip. For each datastrip I have an image,
> the path to the image is store into an other table (image).
> an image entry refer a datastrip.
> I successfully write the mapfile to get datastrip. But now, I would
> like to get image for datastrip.
> I tryed the following bloc into the mapfile, but it doesn't work :
>        NAME "image"
>        CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>        CONNECTION "user=testeur dbname=pocdb host=localhost"
>        TYPE RASTER
>        DATA "imagename from (SELECT  i.folder_url || '\' || i.filename as
> imagename from datastrip d, image i WHERE
> d.datastrip_id=i.datastrip_id)"
> it seams that the meaning to get the data information (i.e. db
> connection) is not take n into account. the return message is
> something like "unable to acces file imagename from (SELECT
> i.folder_url || '\' || i.filename as imagename from datastrip d, image
> i WHERE d.datastrip_id=i.datastrip_id)"
> I set the SHAPEPATH attribute, to complete the image path (the path
> into db is relative to the SHAPEPATH value)
> I try to replace DATA value by "foo.gif", and it works.
> Is there a way to get the image url from my db ? without catch the
> request, get the BBOX, make an interest with it and the datastrip
> table and finally get image for each datastrip on this BBOX, write on
> the fly a mapfile ..etc ...
> thanks
> Patrice

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