perl mapscript wkt & bounds

Charlton Purvis cplist at SECONDCREEK.ORG
Thu May 3 13:04:28 EDT 2007

Hi, all:

I am having a tough time doing something that should be a snap.  I can't
pull a bounding box out for a WKT polygon (in this example).

use strict;
use mapscript;
my $shp =  mapscript::shapeObj::fromWKT(
  'POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 2.0, 2.0 2.0, 2.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0))'
print $shp->{bounds}->toString()."\n";

What I get is:
{ 'minx': -1 , 'miny': -1 , 'maxx': -1 , 'maxy': -1 }

I can do a {bounds} on a shape from a shapefile just fine.  Something like:
{ 'minx': -109, 'miny': 31, 'maxx': -103, 'maxy': 37 }

And just for kicks and to make sure I wasn't insane, pumping that geometry
into postis and doing an envelope on it gives me what I want:

POLYGON((0 0,0 2,2 2,2 0,0 0))

ms 4.10.1

Thanks in advance,


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