Assessment on Mapserver "Packages"

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Thu May 10 10:16:20 EDT 2007

Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
> Hi there,
> recent years have shown a steady increase in mapserver software  
> packages, such as ka-map, chameleon, cartoweb, primagis etc. etc.
> It's difficult to keep track of all these developments and get, once  
> a new project gets started, an overview over the different tools and  
> their functionalities.
> So, the question is: Does anyone know of any kind of (comparative)  
> "assessment" of these products? Which tools exists, what language  
> they use, what technology, what functionality etc. etc.?
> Thanks for any hints,
> Stefan

PrimaGIS is for Zope and Plone developers only. It marshals CMS content 
into maps and allows you to manage map configurations using the CMS 
framework. It is largely based on contract work I did for UNFCCC in 

PrimaGIS uses MapServer as a rendering engine, but is not otherwise a 
MapServer package. There are no mapfiles, no mapserver templates. Maps 
are configured using objects modeled after SLD, and we use Zope (TAL) 
page templates and viewlets.

I'm not aware of any comparative assessments.


Sean Gillies

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