Structuring rasters?

Jeff Dege jdege at KORTERRA.COM
Fri May 18 15:47:02 EDT 2007

We have a customer who wants to integrate aerial photos into their maps.

The extent of the map is that of a middle-sized state.  200-400

The tightest zoom is a couple of blocks.  100-200 meters.

(Map size scales with the browser - figure 600-800 pixels.)

I've done a bit of playing around with the GDAL tools with a
county-level dataset.  From this I learned that:

1.  You can futz around with this stuff forever, never getting it quite
2.  You're chunking enough data that every failed attempt takes forever.

The question is, given a few tens of thousands of hi-res jpegs, what is
the best way to restructure them so as to give acceptable performance
through Mapserver?

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