Multiple QUERY_LAYER in GetFeatureInfo Not support in OWSRequest

myunghwa Hwang mhwang4 at UIUC.EDU
Mon May 21 16:53:51 EDT 2007

Hello, list!

I'm using Python mapscript 4.10.0-beta3 for running a WMS server.
My server-side script for WMS is using OWSRequest object and  
OWSDispatch method for handling
WMS requests.
One problem I've been experiencing is that multiple values for  
QUERY_LAYERS parameter
are not supported in my application.
If I request feature info for each layer one by one, I can get a  
proper GML result.
But if I set multiple layers for the QUERY_LAYERS parameter by using  
I got feature info for only the upmost layer.
If you have any ideas with this problem, please give me some hints!

from Myunghwa Hwang

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