[mapserver-users] upload/stream data from GPS unit?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Mar 26 22:36:43 EDT 2008

I believe OGR will ingest simple GML so you could create a layer that way.


>>> "Carlos Pinto" <cmspinto at gmail.com> 03/26/08 10:39 AM >>>
Hi all,

I'm new in MapServer and I'm using Openlayers that can be a client of

What I'm trying to set-up is a grid that is in GML file. And I want
MapServer to build the layer reading the GML file and give it to OpenLayers
(javascript API) would read it as WMS.

I have instaled MapServer in C#  so I'm using MapScript. Is this possible?



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