[MAPSERVER-USERS] labels longer than feature are bold

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Sun Mar 30 15:39:14 EDT 2008

On Mar 30, 2008, at 3:29 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Duarte,
> I do not think EXTENT is allowable in the LAYER object only in the  
> MAP object. It is not documented in the online doc and I'm surprised  
> that it is not throwing an error. Not that this has anything to do  
> with your question. But it is probably a good practice to move it or  
> remove it.

EXTENT is allowed on the LAYER object, but it is not widely documented  
yet because it doesn't have much effect or behave consistently across  
all of the drivers.  Some drivers, and things like OWS should respect  
it if it is there (for 4.10+, IIRC).

In summary, EXTENT on a LAYER object is a work in progress, and it  
should be fairly innocuous at this point.


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