[mapserver-users] Ed's Rules for the Best Raster Performance

pcreso at pcreso.com pcreso at pcreso.com
Tue Sep 16 15:16:53 EDT 2008

Hmmm.... the discussion here has only looked at jpgs & geotiffs.

I tend to use PNG format, which I believe is less lossy than jpgs, & supports transparency, which has worked fine for small scale implementations.

Can any experts here comment on the pros/cons of png vs jpg?


  Brent Wood

--- On Wed, 9/17/08, Ed McNierney <ed at mcnierney.com> wrote:

> From: Ed McNierney <ed at mcnierney.com>
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Ed's Rules for the Best Raster Performance
> To: "Jeff Hoffmann" <jeff.hoffmann at gmail.com>
> Cc: "Jim Klassen" <Jim.Klassen at ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org" <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
> Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 3:45 AM
> Jeff -
> I'm not convinced, either, but I have never seen a
> real-world test that has shown otherwise.  There haven't
> been many such tests, but I have done them myself and
> several others have done them as well and posted the results
> on this list.  There may be tradeoffs which require a
> different implementation - that's life in the real world
> - but the data (the real, measured data, not theoretical
> speculation) has always been consistent.
> If you want to shrink the file size in this thought
> experiment that's fine, but realize that you are thereby
> increasing the number of files that need to be opened for a
> random image request.  And each new open file incurs a
> relatively high cost (directory/disk seek overhead, etc.);
> those thousands or millions of JPEGs aren't just hard to
> keep track of - they hurt performance.  I have been the
> keeper of tens of millions of such files, and have seen some
> of those issues myself.
> The example I gave (and my other examples) are, however,
> primarily intended to help people think about all the
> aspects of the problem.  File access performance in an
> application environment is a complex issue with many
> variables and any implementation should be prototyped and
> tested.  All I really care about is that you don't think
> it's simple and you try to think through all the
> consequences of an implementation plan.
> I will also admit to being very guilty of not designing for
> "low-moderate load" situations, as I always like
> my Web sites to be able to survive the situation in which
> they accidentally turn out to be popular!
>     - Ed
> On 9/16/08 11:21 AM, "Jeff Hoffmann"
> <jeff.hoffmann at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ed McNierney wrote:
> >
> > And remember that not all formats are created equal.
> In order to
> > decompress ANY portion of a JPEG image, you must read
> the WHOLE file.
> > If I have a 4,000x4,000 pixel 24-bit TIFF image
> that's 48 megabytes,
> > and I want to read a 256x256 piece of it, I may only
> need to read one
> > megabyte or less of that file. But if I convert it to
> a JPEG and
> > compress it to only 10% of the TIFF's size,
> I'll have a 4.8 megabyte
> > JPEG but I will need to read the whole 4.8 megabytes
> (and expand it
> > into that RAM you're trying to conserve) in order
> to get that 256x256
> > piece!
> I have a feeling like I'm throwing myself into a
> religious war, but here
> goes. I think the problem that you have in your estimates
> is that you're
> using large (well, sort of large) jpegs. When you're
> using properly
> sized jpegs on modern servers at low-moderate load, you can
> pretty much
> disregard the processor time and memory issues, and just
> compare on the
> basis of the slowest component, disk access. 4000x4000 is
> big & the
> performance isn't going to be good (for the reasons you
> mention), but he
> never claimed to be using images that big. What he claimed
> is that he's
> using 1000x1000 jpegs. The 1000x1000 jpegs is pretty
> critical because
> it's that sweet spot where the decompress time is
> small, the memory
> demands manageable but the images are large enough that you
> keep the
> number of tiles down to a minimum for most uses. Those
> jpegs might be in
> the 200k size range, compared to a 256x256 block = 64k (x3
> bands =192k?)
> so he's reading a full 1000x1000 image in the disk
> space of 1 256x256
> block. If you're serving up 500x500 finished image,
> you're using at
> least 4 blocks in the geotiff, maybe 9 compared 1-4 with
> the 1000x1000
> jpeg. You could easily be spending 2x the time reading the
> disk with
> geotiff as you would be with jpegs. I haven't sat down
> and done any side
> by side tests, but I can see how they would be competitive
> for certain
> uses when you look at it that way. Of course there are
> other issues like
> lossy compression on top of lossy compression, plus
> you've got to worry
> about keeping track of thousands (millions?) of jpegs, but
> they're
> probably manageable tradeoffs. Oh, and you don't really
> get the option
> to have nodata areas with jpegs, either. There's
> probably other
> drawbacks, too, but I'm not convinced that performance
> is one of them.
> jeff
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