[mapserver-users] MapServer ITEMQUERY

MapServer Newbie mapservernewbie at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 21 08:43:23 EDT 2009

Hello All!
I am a MapServer and Ubuntu newbie, trying to use the example code from:
Bill Kropla, Begining MapServer Open Source GIS Development
Chapter 5, fourth.map fourth.html...
the QUERY and NQUERY modes work (although the TOLERANCE is not changed from the value in the .map file when he tries to use [map_Cities_tolerance] in the URL) but I am unable to get the ITEMQUERY mode to work at all. I am using his example of: qlayer=Cities qitem=COUNTRY qstring=/US/
I have also tried the non-regular expression query items: US 'US' "US"
I always get the following error message:
mapserv(): Web application error. Parameter 'qstring' value fails to validate. msValidateParameter(): Regular expression error. Parameter pattern validation failed. 
the URL is:

I am running MapTools fgs-mapserver_extended_5.4.2-fgs_9.5-linux-i386.bin on Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop

Anyone have any idea why ITEMQUERY doesn't work?
Anyone have an ITEMQUERY example that does work?

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