[mapserver-users] c# mapscript: a strange behavior with ovf inline connection

Pietro Giannini pgiannini at bytewise.it
Fri Jan 23 11:32:08 EST 2009

Hi list.

I found a strange error in c# mapscript on drawing a map image when a
layer has a virtual spatial data connection.

The error is:
System.ApplicationException was unhandled by user code
  Message="msBuildPath(): Unable to access file.
name='object'>\n<SrcDataSource>ODBC:sa/Password123 at EMS_object</SrcDataSource>\n<SrcLayer>object</SrcLayer>\n<FID>Id</FID>\n<SrcSQL>\nSELECT
Dim_Unit.Id, Dim_Unit.Description, Dim_Unit.Icon AS Icon, [...] FROM
Dim_Unit WHERE Dim_Unit.Id [...]
encoding='PointFromColumns' x='LON'
y='LAT'/>\n</OGRVRTLayer>\n</OGRVRTDataSource>: path is too long"

([...] = omissis due to lenght of the query)

the error occurs only:
- in mapscript_csharp, I tried with php_mapscript and it does not occur;
- if the ovf connection string is INLINE at layer level, when I use the
classic .ovf file it does not occur;
- if the ovf connection string is longer than 1022 characters (!)

other infos, if useful:
- ODBC connection to a MS SQLserver 2005;
- development in ASP.NET (VS2005), the deploy environment is a Share Point
portal, the application is embedded in a WebPart.

Any idea?
many thanks
bye ..................................pg

Pietro Giannini
Bytewise srl - Area GIS
41°50'38.58"N 12°29'13.39"E

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