[mapserver-users] support for projectioin=NONE or CRS:1

Rodriguez, Heraldo hrodriguez at siscat.com.ar
Tue Jul 14 08:26:31 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,
		 We are using mapserver 5.4 with openlayers 2.7 and tilecache 2.10. Mapserver is running as a CGI application.
             Our data are in planar coordinates ,and since we are using mapserver as a WMS server and a WFS server we must set a projection in the mapfile.
             We are cheating mapserver and setting a fake projection in order to make WFS and WMS features work.
             When we use mapserver via mapscript ( using tilecache ) the results are what we expected.
              The problem arises when we try to invoke mapserver via wms.
Those layers that have  maxscale , minscale ,etc setted are not drawed or don´t behave as expected.
              We are running in a lot of problems to make the application works ( not listed in this post) and all of them would easily solved if mapserver supported CRS:1 or SRS=NONE.
              The only reference I found regarding this topic  was the  ticket #485 from 2003 and mentioned in the MS RFC 30: Support for WMS 1.3.0.
              I will really appreciate if someone could tell me if there is  a chance that this feature will be added in a (near) future version of mapserver . Or if there exist some guidelines to workaround this.
             Thanks in advance . regards.

 Lic. Heraldo G. Rodriguez
  hrodriguez at siscat.com.ar
  TEL: 54-11-4326-4002 int 255
  Dpto. Desarrollo
  Sistemas Catastrales S.A

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