[mapserver-users] Scaling Image Symbol Offset

Havard Tveite havard.tveite at umb.no
Fri Jul 17 04:50:13 EDT 2009

RFC 45 suggests several rendering improvements for Mapserver,
including adding a tag (CENTER/ORIGIN) for specifying the
centre of a symbol.  This feature has, however, not been
given priority yet (there are workarounds for the most
important cases).



Defines the centre of the symbol using decimal pixels (x axis increasing to the right, y axis increasing downwards).

     * Is used for placing a point symbol on the map or on a “decorated” line
     * Defines the center of rotation if an ANGLE is specified for point symbols.
     * Default value is the centre of the symbol’s bounding box.
     * Applies to TYPE ellipse, vector, pixmap, truetype.


David Martin wrote:
> I am developing a new application and am rendering around a load of 
> graphic symbol layers using a Map file layer such as
>     NAME        cape_headland_point
>     STATUS      ON
>     GROUP       all
>     DATA        'ExplorOz/Places/Cape,Headland,Point'
>     TYPE        POINT
>     SYMBOLSCALE 1000000
>     CLASS
>         STYLE
>             SYMBOL [POIImage]
>             MAXSIZE 15
>             MINSIZE 4
>             SIZE 8
>         END
>     END
>           "wms_title"         "Capes, Headlands & Points"
>       END
>         "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs"
>     END
> As you can see I am sizing the output symbol which is a 20x20px PIXMAP 
> image – this is working great however the position of the image needs to 
> be OFFSET up by half the size of the image (to make the actual point be 
> the center of the image) – I have tried using OFFSET however when the 
> image size changes (based on SYMBOLSCALE)the offsets are wrong. Is there 
> a way to OFFSET image symbols based on the SYMBOLSCALE and MAX/MIN SIZES?
> Regards
> David

Håvard Tveite
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB
Drøbakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 Ås, NORWAY
Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 http://www.umb.no/imt/

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