[mapserver-users] Non-conformant behaviour with MapServer 5.4 WMS 1.3.0 GetCapabilities response?

Passmore, James H jpass at bgs.ac.uk
Wed Jun 24 11:08:24 EDT 2009

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your speedy response

> Can you send along an example mapfile / snippet?

My Mapfile begins:

   STATUS on
   SIZE 800 400
   EXTENT 59.7812 26.9152 75.5985 40.9476
   UNITS dd
   SHAPEPATH "data"
   IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
        # we created a file 'crs' put in the nad folder and copied the epsg 4326 content from the epsg file
   END #projection
   DEBUG on

     NAME png
     MIMETYPE "image/png"
     EXTENSION "png"

        HEADER "myheader..."
      FOOTER "myfooter..."
      IMAGEPATH "mypath..."
      IMAGEURL "myvirtualdir..."
      LOG "pathtolog"
              MAX_EXTENTS "59.443 26.4857 75.7411 41.2513"
              OWS_TITLE "AGS Bedrock and Structural geology"
              OWS_ABSTRACT "AGS 1:1 million scale Bedrock and Structural geology of Afghanistan"
              OWS_KEYWORDLIST "OneGeology,geology,map,Afghanistan,bedrock,structural,faults,age"
              OWS_CONTACTPERSON "The Director General"
              OWS_CONTACTORGANIZATION "Afghanistan Geological Survey"
              OWS_ADDRESSTYPE "postal"
              OWS_ADDRESS "Afghanistan Geological Survey building, next to slaughter house, Jalalabad road"
              OWS_CITY "Kabul"
              OWS_STATEORPROVINCE "Kabul"
              OWS_POSTCODE "District 9"
              OWS_COUNTRY "Afghanistan"
                OWS_FEES "none"
                OWS_ACCESSCONSTRAINTS "The 1:1,000,000 map data is available for free download for your personal, teaching, research or non-commercial use. Your use of any information provided by the Afghanistan Geological Survey (AGS) is at your own risk. The AGS gives no warranty, condition or representation as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the information or its suitability for any use or purpose. All implied conditions relating to the quality or suitability of the information, and all liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law."
                OWS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE  "text/html"
                OWS_SRS "CRS:84 EPSG:32641 EPSG:32642 EPSG:32643"
           END #metadata
        END #web

         OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200
         KEYSPACING 10 10
            TYPE bitmap
            SIZE small
         END #Label
      END #Legend

           NAME "AFG_AGS_1M_BLS"
           GROUP "Bedrock"
           DATA "1MgeolbyLCe4326"
           TYPE polygon
           STATUS off
         #TRANSPARENCY 100
         OPACITY 100
         TOLERANCE 0
         TOLERANCEUNITS pixels
         TRANSFORM true
         DUMP true # return GML format
         HEADER "mypath..."
         TEMPLATE "mypath..."

   END #projection

              GML_FEATUREID "GID"
              OWS_TITLE "AFG AGS 1:1M Bedrock Lithostratigraphy"
            OWS_SRS "CRS:84 EPSG:32641 EPSG:32642 EPSG:32643"

The GetCapabilities response is:

>Out of interest, can you elaborate on why EX_GeographicBoundingBox is
>not suitable, given the implicity of the CRS?

Well, I'm not sure why the OGC standard states this requirement, and there is probably more than one reason, however I'm guessing that if at least one BoundingBox is required, we should assume that WMS conformant clients might expect it, and then error if it doesn't exist.  More importantly, what happens if I don't want to use CRS:84 but some other projection?

> You can always write a MapScript WxS wrapper (see
> http://www.mapserver.org/ogc/mapscript.html) to create custom
> Capabilities XML as per your requirements, as an interim workaround.



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