[mapserver-users] queryByAttributes and projection

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Thu Mar 19 12:05:00 EDT 2009

I have a modified ka-map application with some customized search tools.
One of these tools allows the user to pick a town from a dropdown and
zoom to it.  This uses a queryByAttributes process and it was working

The data for the project is projected in UTM in its native format.  The
customer asked if we could display the data in lat/long (EPSG:4326).  If
I change the projection and extent in the .Map files, the map displays
properly, but the search tools no longer function, I get a "no matching
results" error.

This seems pretty strange, as I am only querying by attributes, not
spatially.  So I wouldn't think projection would be an issue.  But
apparently it is.  Does anyone have some insight as to how I can correct
this (other than reprojecting the data)?
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