[mapserver-users] nquery against postgis layer

Fawcett, David David.Fawcett at state.mn.us
Mon Mar 23 16:10:31 EDT 2009

I am banging my head against an nquery request to a postgis based layer.
This is on MS 5.2.1 on OSX using William's binaries.  

I can draw the layer in mode=map, but when I use mode=nquery, the query
doesn't return any results and my templates aren't populated properly.
I am not passing a point or extent in the query request URL.  

I have a similar nquery request against a shapefile based layer and it
works fine.  

Can anyone think of anything PostGIS specific that might cause this?  I
did a quick search of bug tickets in Trac and the listserv and didn't
see anything.  


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