[mapserver-users] Production mapserver

Jeff Dege jeff.dege at korterra.com
Mon Mar 21 12:27:43 EDT 2011

What do we need to do to get Mapserver running in a production configuration?

There are packages out there to help new users get mapserver up and running in a development/playing-around-in mode, ms4w, etc. But these are designed for ease of installation, not performance on a production server.

I have a set of shapefiles, and some mapfiles I've built to display them.  I have them running on a dev machine, just fine.

So what do I need to do to go into production.

I have a dedicated Ubuntu 10.04 box, that will be doing nothing but serving maps through WMS requests, using Mapserver.  It currently has both Apache and MapServer installed, using the current apt-get packages.

Should I be using Apache?  Or should I use Lighttpd?

Standard CGI?  FastCGI?  Some other alternative?  (WSGI?)

Does Mapserver install on Ubuntu by default to use FastCGI?  How can I tell whether MapServer is running under FastCGI?  How do I configure it to do so, if it's not already?

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