[mapserver-users] Error consuming MapServer WMS service version 1.3.0 by many desktop clients

Lucho lucho1524 at gmail.com
Thu May 5 10:50:45 EDT 2011

Hi everybody!

I get the following error when I try to consume a MapServer WMS service:

*One or more layers failed to draw:

Servicio WMS Cartografia Basica 1:500.000:   WMS service exceptions:-Service
Error Code:InvalidFormat
Service Error Description: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error.
Invalid format for the EXCEPTION parameter.
-Service Error Code:InvalidFormat*

This error description is taken from ArcMap, but I have problems in gvSIG
and QuantumGIS too.

The error seems to be related with a tag in METADATA definition of *
"wms_exceptions_format"*. Here is my METADATA tags:

                "wms_title"  "Servicio WMS Cartografia Basica 1:500.000"
                "wms_abstract" "Servicio WMS de Cartografia Basica a escala
1:500.000. No esta permitida la descarga masiva de porciones de
                "wms_keywordlist" "Cartografia Basica"
                "wms_onlineresource" "http://geoservice.igac.gov.co/IGACwms
                "wms_contactperson" "Luis Fernando Ortiz Reyes"
                "wms_contactorganization" "***"
                "wms_contactposition" "***"
                "wms_addresstype" "postal"
                "wms_address"     "***"
                "wms_city" "BOGOTA DC"
                "wms_stateorprovince" "BOGOTA DC"
                "wms_postcode" "11001000"
                "wms_country" "COLOMBIA"
                "wms_contactvoicetelephone" "***"
                "wms_contactfacsimiletelephone" "***"
                "wms_contactelectronicmailaddress" "***"
                "wms_fees" "none"
                "wms_accessconstraints" "none"
                "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
                "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html"
*                "wms_exceptions_format" "application/vnd.ogc.se_blank"*
                "version" "any string"
                "ows_schemas_location" "http://serviciaf.igac.gov.co"

  END  # Metadata

Any idea of what I have to put there? Or this error has another cause?

Clients like ArcMap or gvSIG take by default 1.3.0 as the version of the WMS
service. This could be the problem too. When I select the 1.1.1 version of
service in ArcMap, the WMS works well.

I've been reading in many sites, and it seems to be a frequent error. I hope
you know how to solve it.

Best regards,

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