[mapserver-users] Create 2 Feature Object Animation (Openlayers)

Vivaldi Al Barado vivaldi_albarado at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 5 19:48:04 PDT 2012

Dear All..

I want to create a circle object using the feature. I hope the object to change position every 2 seconds from the coordinates of A to B. 

The question is, why two objects that have been created does not change the location, but even more thickened at the same location.

Here is the function that I created, please its support:

var map;
var c = 0;

ShowPoint function ()
c = c +1;
setTimeout ("ShowPoint ()", 2000);
var point1 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point (-72, 42);
var point2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point (-85, 45);
feature_point1 var = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector (point1);
feature_point2 var = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector (point2);

   if (c% 2! = 0)
map.layers [1]. addFeatures ([feature_point1]);
map.layers [1]. removeFeatures ([feature_point2]);
     Else {}
map.layers [1]. addFeatures ([feature_point2]);
map.layers [1]. removeFeatures ([feature_point1]);

  function init () {
/ / Create a folder with an empty array of controls
map = new OpenLayers.Map ('map_element', {
controls: [
OpenLayers.Control.Navigation new (),
OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar new (),
OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher new ()
maxScale: 27683990.15625,
minScale: 221471921.25

wms_layer var = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS (
"OpenLayers WMS",
{layers: 'basic'},

vector_layer var = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector ('Basic Vector Layer');
map.addControl (new OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar (vector_layer));
map.addLayers ([wms_layer, vector_layer]);
map.render ('map_element');

if (! map.getCenter ()) {
map.zoomToMaxExtent ();

ShowPoint ();
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