[mapserver-users] Leaflet + OpenMap + Mapserver WMS

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Sep 25 05:52:30 PDT 2014

On 2014-09-25 8:28 AM, Burgholzer, Robert (DEQ) wrote:
> Running afoul of projections conflict in the setup with the following error:
> "msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid SRS given : SRS must be valid for all requested layers."
> All layers in my Mapfile have an EPSG of 4326, but the base layer of my map in Leaflet is OpenMap which I understand comes in with the google projection 900913?
> I have done the following:
> * I added the def for 900913 to the proj4 epsg file (this def was added after compiling mapserver but can't imagine that would matter?): /usr/share/proj/epsg
> * Compiled Mapserver with proj4 enabled (--with-proj4)
> * Set allowable 900913, 4326, and 4269 in my mapfile projection block (block shown below)
> * Set "debug 5" in my mapfile but received no other info about this issue (like what proj is being requested by Leaflet)
> Mapfile excerpts:
>      "init=epsg:900913"
>      "init=epsg:4269"
>      "init=epsg:4326"

Robert, as Mike said, you are declaring your projections wrong.  Best 
way to learn how is to follow an example mapfile: 


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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