[mapserver-users] mapserver 6 mapcache 1.6 tileindex limit

Sebastiano Laini Sebastiano.Laini at BuchananComputing.co.uk
Tue Oct 23 06:52:15 PDT 2018

Hi All,

Since I reimaged the server and installed CentOS 7 (previously was centOS 6) , mapserver 6.2.1 and Mapcache 1.6 (previously was v.1) I can't make work my .MAP file that call inside the Raster tileindex of the whole UK (created with GDAL).

The only way to make it works it to create a new index with less images, and if I go over that limit mapserver doesn't load the layer.

It's a settings that I can change within mapserver or is related with something else?

Sebastiano Laini
Web Developer
Buchanan Computing
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