[mapserver-users] msWFSGetStoredQuery(): WFS server error. Cannot open file

Passmore, James H. jpass at bgs.ac.uk
Fri Aug 30 02:13:48 PDT 2019

I'm configuring a WFS to provide some stored queries, and following https://mapserver.org/ogc/wfs_server.html?highlight=wfs_storedqueries

In my WEB > METADATA  section, if I use:

"wfs_storedqueries" "CommodityByYearStoredQuery"

and an inlinedef either directly like:

"wfs_CommodityByYearStoredQuery_inlinedef" '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><StoredQueryDescription xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" id="CommodityByYearStoredQuery"><Title>Commodity by year</Title><Abstract>Query by commodity and year, for example Bauxite in 2013</Abstract><Parameter name="commodity" type="xs:string"/><Parameter name="year" type="xs:string"/><QueryExpressionText isPrivate="false" language="urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression" xmlns:ms="http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapserver" returnFeatureTypes="ms:mintell_centroids"><Query xmlns:fes="http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0" typeNames="ms:mintell_centroids"><fes:Filter><fes:And><fes:PropertyIsEqualTo><fes:PropertyName>commodity</fes:PropertyName><fes:Literal>${commodity}</fes:Literal></fes:PropertyIsEqualTo><fes:PropertyIsEqualTo><fes:PropertyName>year</fes:PropertyName><fes:Literal>${year}</fes:Literal></fes:PropertyIsEqualTo></fes:And></fes:Filter></Query></QueryExpressionText></StoredQueryDescription>'

or as an INCLUDE like:

INCLUDE "storedQry/wfs_CommodityByYearStoredQuery_inlinedef.map"

My stored query works

If I use "wfs_CommodityByYearStoredQuery_filedef" "storedQry/comm-by-year.map"  with the same content as used in the inlinedef I get an error, either

DescribeStoredQueries / ListStoredQueries

WARNING: Definition for stored query CommodityByYearStoredQuery missing

or GetFeature

msWFSGetResolvedStoredQuery20(): WFS server error. Unknown stored query id: CommodityByYearStoredQuery msWFSGetStoredQuery(): WFS server error. Cannot open storedQry/comm-by-year.map

Is this a bug or have I got something wrong with the filedef option?

It doesn't seem to be a permissions issue, because the INCLUDE for the inlinedef is in the same folder and works

I'm running MapServer version 7.4.0 on Windows.

James Passmore
British Geological Survey,
Environmental Science Centre,
United Kingdom,
NG12 5GG

orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9891-6265
Phone: +44 (0)115 936 3125
Skype: BGSjames

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