[MapServer-users] ITEMS and PROCESSING

Lars Schylberg lars.schylberg at blixtmail.se
Wed Feb 22 12:00:34 PST 2023

Hi list,

I just have to check if there is some way to read a ITEMS from a 
variable, ie ITEMS="[labels]".  The processing of items is "so good" for 
inline features.  What I would like, is to write ITEMS on the layer 
level without a feature block and read it from a variable.  Splitting 
strings with sql sqlite syntax is really a pain, when splitting the data 
while reading the data. I made several test myself, trying to specify 
ITEMS outside feature blocks without success. My sub labels could be 
between 1-5 characters which makes the substr commands in sql really 

         50 50
       ITEMS "E4;55;655;9"

    PROCESSING "ITEMS=label1,label2,label3,label4"

Just wondering if I have overlooked something in the Mapserver manual.

Thanks in advance / Lars Schylberg

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