<title>Rosa Sample</title>
<!-- Body, background color: white -->
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!-- The elements of the UMN Mapserver application are ordered within a
table. The according form encapsulates this table
<form method=GET action="/cgi-bin/mapserv-rosa" name="mapserver">
<!-- Content centered to the page -->
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
<tr valign="top">
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor="#000000">
<td valign="top" align=center>
<!-- inner table for the map -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<!-- The field for the applet, spawns over two columns to
place "Powered .." scale bar in seperate fields. -->
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<!-- ROSA Applet specific tags -->
<input type="hidden" name="imagewidth" value="[mapwidth]">
<input type="hidden" name="imageheight" value="[mapheight]">
<!-- Initialise the parameters set by the applet -->
<input type="hidden" name="INPUT_TYPE" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="INPUT_COORD" value="">
<!-- Applet and parameters -->
<applet name="RosaApplet" archive="/java/rosa.jar"
width="[mapwidth]" height="[mapheight]" MAYSCRIPT>
<!-- Allgemein -->
<param name="IMG_URL" value="[img]">
<param name="IMG_XY" value="0,0">
<param name="INP_FORM_NAME" value="mapserver">
<param name="BG_COLOR" value="#F8F8F8">
<!-- Rosa modes -->
<param name="INP_TYPE_NAME" value="INPUT_TYPE">
<param name="INP_COORD_NAME" value="INPUT_COORD">
<!-- ToolBar common -->
<param name="TB_POSITION" value="top">
<param name="TB_ALIGN" value="top">
<param name="TB_BUTTONS" value="zoomin|zoomout|recentre|space_05|pquery|space_05|redraw">
<param name="TB_SELECTED_BUTTON" value="zoomin">
<!-- ToolBar Buttons -->
<!-- Zoom In -->
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomin_IMG" value="/images/icon_zoomin_1.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomin_IMG_PR" value="/images/icon_zoomin_2.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomin_CURSOR_TYPE" value="CROSSHAIR">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomin_INPUT" value="auto_rect">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomin_NAME" value="zoomdir">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomin_VALUE" value="1">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomin_HINT" value="Zoom In: Vergrößerte Darstellung|eines gewählten Kartenausschnitts">
<!-- Zoom Out -->
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomout_IMG" value="/images/icon_zoomout_1.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomout_IMG_PR" value="/images/icon_zoomout_2.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomout_CURSOR_TYPE" value="CROSSHAIR">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomout_INPUT" value="submit">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomout_NAME" value="zoomdir">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomout_VALUE" value="-1">
<param name="TB_BUT_zoomout_HINT" value="Zoom Out: Verkleinerte Darstellung|des Kartenauschnitts">
<!-- Recenter -->
<param name="TB_BUT_recentre_IMG" value="/images/icon_recentre_1.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_recentre_IMG_PR" value="/images/icon_recentre_2.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_recentre_CURSOR_TYPE" value="MOVE">
<param name="TB_BUT_recentre_INPUT" value="auto_point">
<param name="TB_BUT_recentre_NAME" value="zoomdir">
<param name="TB_BUT_recentre_VALUE" value="0">
<param name="TB_BUT_recentre_HINT" value="Recenter: Zentrierung der Karte auf|einen gewählten Punkt">
<!-- Query -->
<param name="TB_BUT_pquery_IMG" value="/images/icon_info_1.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_pquery_IMG_PR" value="/images/icon_info_2.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_pquery_CURSOR_TYPE" value="HAND">
<param name="TB_BUT_pquery_INPUT" value="auto_point">
<param name="TB_BUT_pquery_NAME" value="mode">
<param name="TB_BUT_pquery_VALUE" value="nquery">
<param name="TB_BUT_pquery_HINT" value="Info: Weitere Informationen zu einem|ausgewählten Objekt">
<!-- ReDraw -->
<param name="TB_BUT_redraw_IMG" value="/images/icon_update_1.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_redraw_IMG_PR" value="/images/icon_update_2.gif">
<param name="TB_BUT_redraw_INPUT" value="submit">
<param name="TB_BUT_redraw_NAME" value="zoomdir">
<param name="TB_BUT_redraw_VALUE" value="0">
<param name="TB_BUT_redraw_HINT" value="Update: Aktualisierung des Kartenausschnitts">
<!-- End of Applet -->
<!-- new line ("Powered .." und scale bar -->
<td align="left">
<!-- Force distance from table border -->
<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2" color="#FFFFFF">
<b>Powered by MapServer</b>
<td align="right">
<img src="[scalebar]">
</table> <!-- End of inner table -->
</table> <!-- End of table for black frame -->
</td> <!-- End of map field -->
<!-- Second field: Layer selection, legend, ... -->
<!-- Font -->
<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">
<!-- Header -->
<font size="+1" color="#990000">
<b>Rosa Sample</b>
<!-- Layer -->
<font size=+1>
<b>Layer: </b>
<input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="foo1" [foo1_check]>
Foo Data One<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="layer" value="foo2" [foo2_check]>
Foo Data Two<br>
<!-- Legende -->
<font size=+1>
<img src="[legend]">
<!-- Reference Map -->
<font size=+1>
<INPUT NAME="ref" TYPE="image" SRC="[ref]" border="0">
<!-- Further Settings -->
<!-- Actual image size -->
<input type="hidden" name="mapsize" value="[mapwidth] [mapheight]">
<!-- Standard mode is ZoomIn -->
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="browse">
<input type="hidden" name="zoomdir" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="zoomsize" value="2">
<!-- Tag for querymodue to be defined
(otherwise it cannot be set by the applet. -->
<input type="hidden" name="querymode" value="">
<!-- Store map infos -->
<input type="hidden" name="imgxy" value="[center_x] [center_y]">
<input type="hidden" name="imgext" value="[mapext]">
<!-- Store the map file path -->
<input type="hidden" name="map" value="[map]">
<input type="hidden" name="mapext" value="shapes">
<input type="hidden" name="savequery" value="true">