<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Yup, it was the syntax. For the archive's sake, it should look
<blockquote>EXPRESSION ( ( [CONTOUR] >= 0 ) AND ( [CONTOUR] <5)
<p><br>Thanks again.
<p>Puneet Kishor wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>No, you don't need to create a new shapefile. As
I said, the logic of what
<br>you are doing is correct... there must be something wrong with your
<br>expressions... make sure the field name (Contour) is correct, make
it caps
<br>(I think selection might be case-sensitive...) you might have to enclose
<br>in square brackets/and or quotes... I am talking from the top of my
<br>checks the docs or the wiki. There are specific examples.
<p>Your logic is correct. Most likely your expression is wrong.
<p>PS. Please reply to the entire list so others may help|behelped. Thanks.
<p>> -----Original Message-----
<br>> From: Michael Soracco [<a href="mailto:Michael.Soracco@noaa.gov">mailto:Michael.Soracco@noaa.gov</a>]
<br>> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 7:13 AM
<br>> To: Puneet Kishor
<br>> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Defining Classes/Labels for contours
<br>> Although there is no mechanism for creating graduated colors,
<br>> should I be able
<br>> to display the "0-5" contour line as RED and the "5-10" as
<br>> GREEN ? The code
<br>> below results in NO contours being displayed, but just Legend
<br>> entries. Is this
<br>> what you mean by no mechanism? I.e. I need to create new
<br>> shapefiles for each
<br>> contour value.
<br>> thanks.
<br>> Puneet Kishor wrote:
<br>> > there is no mechanism for creating graduated colors for a
<br>> feature based on
<br>> > class ranges. What you have done is correct.
<br>> >
<br>> > If you don't want the legends to be created, just take out
<br>> the NAME line
<br>> > from within the CLASS definitions.
<br>> >
<br>> > Hth.
<br>> >
<br>> > Pk/
<br>> >
<br>> > -----Original Message-----
<br>> > From: Michael Soracco [<a href="mailto:Michael.Soracco@noaa.gov">mailto:Michael.Soracco@noaa.gov</a>]
<br>> > Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2:17 PM
<br>> > To: mapserver
<br>> > Subject: [mapserver-users] Defining Classes/Labels for contours
<br>> >
<br>> > I've checked the archives and didn't see anything on what I
<br>> need to do.
<br>> > It's probably straightforward, but I haven't been able to
<br>> figure it out...
<br>> > I have a Polyline shapefile where each polyline has a
<br>> classified value (i.e.
<br>> > Contour 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). I've tried the following to
draw the
<br>> > contours in different colors but have only succeeded in
<br>> creating a Legend
<br>> > Class for each level. Is it possible to have graduated
<br>> colors for the lines
<br>> > within the same Layer Object?
<br>> > LAYER
<br>> > NAME BATHY
<br>> > TYPE LINE
<br>> > STATUS OFF
<br>> > DATA bathy
<br>> > CLASSITEM "Contour"
<br>> > MAXSCALE 500000
<br>> > CLASS
<br>> > NAME "0 - 5"
<br>> > EXPRESSION "(Contour
>= 0 AND Contour <=5)"
<br>> > COLOR 200 0 0
<br>> > END
<br>> > CLASS
<br>> > NAME "5 - 10"
<br>> > EXPRESSION "(Contour
> 5 AND Contour <=10)"
<br>> > COLOR 0 200 0
<br>> > END
<br>> > END</blockquote>