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I figured out how to filter for the layers that are DEFAULT for a given
zoom Value, I still haven't been able to figure out how to :<br>
<li>Filter out the Labels in the LEGEND output. I don't want to see
them in the legend.</li>
<li>I can't seem to figure out how to make the check boxes do thier
thing. (Question here, I have most of my layer set to DEFAULT, how do
I them OFF with the Legend controls? or do they need to be set to ON
and called specifically. If so, how do I initialize the interface with
the approraite layers for a given Zoom.</li>
I've been putzing with this all day, and this is all I have to show for
[leg_layer_html ]<br>
<input type=checkbox name=layer value=[leg_layer_name]<br>
[if name=layer_status oper=eq value=2]CHECKED[/if]<br>
[if name=layer_status oper=neq value=1][/if]/><br>
[leg_class_html ]<br>
<img src=[leg_icon] /> [leg_class_name]<br /><br>
This output the correct Layers (except for filtering out the LABEL
Thanks for any info on this.<br>