<DIV>i am a super newbie (as you will see from my code)<BR><BR>i'm not sure if i can even get my scalebar to show up without using some<BR>form of html code<BR><BR>i am using a wms server<BR><BR>this is some of my code before the layer definitions:<BR><BR>#<BR># Start of map file<BR>#<BR><BR>MAP<BR> # NAME PRDC-demo<BR><BR> # background color of image if transparency<BR> # is not requested<BR> IMAGECOLOR 174 206 180<BR><BR> # default output image dimensions<BR> SIZE 600 400<BR><BR> # always returns a map<BR> STATUS ON<BR><BR> # set top level projection<BR> PROJECTION<BR> "init=epsg:2961"<BR> END<BR><BR> #start of the scalebar<BR> SCALEBAR<BR> STATUS EMBED<BR> LABEL<BR> SIZE tiny<BR> COLOR 0 0 0<BR> OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255<BR> END<BR> STYLE 0<BR> INTERVALS 3<BR> SIZE 100 3<BR> COLOR 0 0 0<BR> BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255<BR> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<BR> UNITS
MILES<BR> POSITION LR<BR> TRANSPARENT TRUE<BR> #POSTLABELCACHE true<BR>END # Scalebar<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> # image format options<BR> OUTPUTFORMAT<BR> NAME png<BR> DRIVER "GD/PNG"<BR> MIMETYPE "image/png"<BR> IMAGEMODE RGB<BR> EXTENSION "png"<BR> END<BR><BR><BR> # minx miny maxx maxy<BR> # sets:<BR> # /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer/LatLonBoundingBox(@minx @miny<BR>@maxx @maxx)<BR> # EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 # World<BR> EXTENT 486716 5.01368e+006 572241 5.07531e+006<BR><BR> # add def pointers for symbols<BR><BR> SYMBOLSET "../etc/symbols/symbols.sym"<BR><BR> FONTSET "../etc/fonts/fonts.txt"<BR><BR>SCALEBAR<BR> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255<BR># background color of the image placeholder<BR> LABEL<BR> COLOR 0 0 0<BR># color of the labels indicating the distance<BR> SIZE SMALL<BR># size of the labels<BR> END<BR> SIZE 350 5<BR># sixe in pixels of the
scalebar<BR> COLOR 255 255 255<BR># color used in the scalebar<BR> BACKGROUNDCOLOR 0 0 0<BR># background color of the drawn scalebar<BR> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<BR># outline color of the salebar<BR> UNITS kilometers<BR># units to be used<BR> INTERVALS 5<BR># How many intervals in total in the<BR># scalebar<BR> STATUS ON<BR># the scalebar is on by default<BR>END<BR><BR> #<BR> # Start of web interface definition<BR> WEB<BR><BR> # this is the real filepath to the temp dir for intermediate file<BR>creation<BR> IMAGEPATH "/tmp/ms_tmp/"<BR><BR> # this is the web-accessible path to IMAGEPATH<BR> IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"<BR><BR> HEADER "../templates/query_header.html"<BR> FOOTER "../templates/query_footer.html"<BR><BR> METADATA<BR><BR> "map" "/var/www/html/mapserver/service/prdc-demo.map"<BR><BR> "ows_schemas_location" "<A href="http://schemas.opengeospatial.net/" ?><FONT
color=#000000>http://schemas.opengeospatial.net"</FONT></A><BR><BR> "ows_title" "Pictou County GIS demo"<BR><BR> "ows_abstract" "Pictou County GIS demo. Enjoy!"<BR><BR> "ows_keywordlist" "mapserver,ogc,workshop"<BR><BR> "ows_service_onlineresource" "<A href="http://localhost/mapserver/index.html" ?><FONT color=#000000>http://localhost/mapserver/index.html"</FONT></A><BR> "ows_fees" "none"<BR> "ows_accessconstraints" "none"<BR> "wms_contactperson" "Libo Feng"<BR> "wms_contactorganization" "Pictou County"<BR> "wms_contactposition" "Systems Scientist"<BR> "wms_addresstype" "postal"<BR> "wms_address" "980 East River rd."<BR> "wms_city" "New Glasgow"<BR> "wms_stateorprovince" "Nova Scotia"<BR> "wms_postcode" "B2H-2G3"<BR> "wms_country" "Canada"<BR>
"wms_contactvoicetelephone" "+01-905-336-4409"<BR> "wms_contactfacsimiletelephone" "+01-905-336-4499"<BR> "wms_contactelectronicmailaddress" "lfeng@prdc.com"<BR> "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"<BR> "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html"<BR> "wfs_srs" "EPSG:4326"<BR> "wfs_namespace_uri" "<A href="http://localhost/mapserver" ?><FONT color=#000000>http://localhost/mapserver"</FONT></A><BR> "wfs_namespace_prefix" "ms_ogc"<BR> "wcs_label" "Sample OWS for MapServer OGC Web Services Workshop"<BR> "wcs_description" "Sample OWS for MapServer OGC Web Services Workshop.<BR>Enjoy!"<BR> "WMS_SLD_SYMBOL_URL" "<A href="http://wendy/dot.png" ?><FONT color=#000000>http://wendy/dot.png"</FONT></A><BR><BR><BR><BR> # sets:<BR> # /WCS_Capabilities/Service/metadataLink/@xlink:href<BR> "wcs_metadatalink_href" "<A href="http://devgeo.cciw.ca/index.html" ?><FONT
color=#000000>http://devgeo.cciw.ca/index.html"</FONT></A><BR> END<BR> END<BR><BR> # hilite map for GetFeatureInfo "info_format=text/html"<BR> # requests<BR><BR> QUERYMAP<BR> STATUS ON<BR> SIZE 200 200<BR> STYLE HILITE<BR> COLOR 255 255 0<BR> END<BR><BR><BR> # set defaults for GetLegendGraphic requests<BR> LEGEND<BR> LABEL<BR> TYPE BITMAP<BR> SIZE MEDIUM<BR> COLOR 222 0 0<BR> POSITION cc<BR> END<BR> END<BR><BR>and this is the address i am using for my mapserver:<BR><BR>"<A href=""><FONT color=#000000></FONT></A>?<BR>map=/var/www/html/mapserver/service/prdc-<BR>demo.map&version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:2961&mode=scaleb<BR>ar&width=600&height=400&layers=cobounds,roads&SLD=<A href=""><FONT
color=#000000></FONT></A><BR>erver/service/sld_line_width.xml"<BR><BR><BR><BR>i am probably missing something simple<BR><BR>any direction would be appreciated<BR><BR>thnx<BR></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com <p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com