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Frank Warmerdam wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid931f8ea9050728115470ddd5c@mail.gmail.com"
<pre wrap="">Douglass,
In what way did it not work?
Try adding "ellps=sphere" to your definition. Your current definition has
no earthmodel definition and depending on your setup there may be no
Note that most projections on a sphere don't map well to conventional
ellpisoid coordinate systems. You may find you need to use "ellps=WGS84"
instead to get good correspondence.
Good luck,
Now I have:<br>
LAYER <br>
NAME elevation<br>
DATA "elevation/05539624.tif"<br>
Before, it gave an error when trying to do the projection.<br>
<b>Warning</b>: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): major axis or
radius = 0 or not given in <b>c:\program files\apache
group\apache\htdocs\mapserver\nc.php</b> on line <b>4</b><br>
Now I get a map and that error went away (progress :-) . But, still,
no tif layer.<br>
my (lat/lon) extent for the whole thing is:<br>
EXTENT -85 32 -75 38<br>
Should the extent be in meters? Isn't putting the projection in the
layer supposed to make that transformation? All of my other layers
just use lat/lon not LAEA and they work fine. So, I'm mixing two types
of coordinates here, and it's still a mystery to me as far as how this
is supposed to work.<br>
<dt><em>Spatial_Domain:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>Bounding_Coordinates:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>West_Bounding_Coordinate:</em>-84.84957627 </dt>
<dt><em>East_Bounding_Coordinate:</em>-74.99646893 </dt>
<dt><em>North_Bounding_Coordinate:</em>37.47563559 </dt>
<><dt><em>Spatial_Reference_Information:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>Planar:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>Map_Projection:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>Map_Projection_Name:</em> Lambert
Azimuthal Equal Area </dt>
<dt><em>Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area:</em> </dt>
-100.00 </dt>
45.00 </dt>
<dt><em>False_Easting:</em> 0.0 </dt>
<dt><em>False_Northing:</em> 0.0</dt>
<dt><em>Planar_Coordinate_Information:</em> </dt>
Row and column </dt>
<dt><em>Coordinate_Representation:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>Abscissa_Resolution:</em> 1000.0 </dt>
<dt><em>Ordinate_Resolution:</em> 1000.0</dt>
<dt><em>Planar_Distance_Units:</em> Meters</dt>
<dt><em>Geodetic_Model:</em> </dt>
<dt><em>Horizontal_Datum_Name:</em> None </dt>
<dt><em>Ellipsoid_Name:</em> Sphere </dt>
<dt><em>Semi-major_Axis:</em> 6370997.0 </dt>
<dt><em>Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio:</em> 1.0</dt>