<P>i had some problems working out the virtualspatialdata-wiki on my windows 2000 server which i'd like to share with you. when i first tested my virtual ogr file using ogrinfo, i recieved messages that the file gcs.csv could not be opened, containing the projection information. The reason was that i hadn't run setenv.bat.</P>
<P>Later when i tried to view the virtualdatalayer in mapserver i got the same messages. Apparently mapserver/apache/ogr also didn't know where to look for the projection-files. After introducing the parameter gdal_data in apache config the layer was displayed properly.</P>
<P>SetEnv gdal_data "/ms4w/tools/ogr-utils/data"</P>
<P>maybe somebody has a different sollution?</P>
<P>Good luck everybody, working on similar issues, </P><p>
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