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<P>Hello List, </P>
<P>I am tried to visualize a layer postgis from mapserver. My configuration the file map is the following one:</P>
<P>CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<BR> NAME callejero<BR> CONNECTION "user=postgres password=postgres dbname=pruebaPostgis host="<BR> DATA callejero<BR> STATUS DEFAULT<BR> TYPE LINE<BR> CLASS<BR> COLOR 255 0 0<BR> END<BR>END </P>
<P>and when I execute the application the result it is the following one:</P>
<P> </P>
<P>msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'callejero'. <BR>msPOSTGISLayerOpen(): Query error. couldnt make connection to DB with connect string 'user=postgres password=postgres dbname=pruebapostgis host='. <BR>Error reported was 'could not translate host name "" to address: Unknown host '. <BR>This error occured when trying to make a connection to the specified postgresql server. <BR>Most commonly this is caused by <BR>(1) incorrect connection string <BR>(2) you didnt specify a 'user=...' in your connection string <BR>(3) the postmaster (postgresql server) isnt running <BR>(4) you are not allowing TCP/IP connection to the postmaster <BR>(5) your postmaster is not running on the correct port - if its not on 5432 you must specify a 'port=...' <BR>(6) the security on your system does not allow the webserver (usually user 'nobody') to make socket
connections to the postmaster <BR>(7) you forgot to specify a 'host=...' if the postmaster is on a different machine<BR>(8) you made a typo </P>
<P><BR> </P>
<DIV class=RTE>Does somebody know which the problem is?</DIV></DIV></div></html>