The documentation on Mapserver WFS capatibilities being rather short,<br>(the new website comments section is extremely valuable addition, in case of WFS the only comment explains how to handle layer's attribute when Mapserver serving WFS),
<br><br><br>I have stumbled into a problem when trying to query and/or label the WFS provided layer.<br><br>The .gml file (Mapserver WFS server) contains geometries and the id of the features:<br>(e.g <myns:XXX_ID>3</myns:XXX_ID>). The query does not return anything (no hilighted features nor attributes) while at labeling the Mapserver dies with:
<br><p class="MsoNormal">Error in msOGRLayerInitItemInfo(): Invalid Field name: XXX_ID</p><br>Any hint how to setup Mapserver WFS Client layer to be queryable and/or labeled would be appreciated.<br><br>BR<br><br>frequens
<br><p class="MsoNormal"><br></p><p class="MsoNormal"><br></p>