<div>Hello everybody, I've got a problem, I've a layer defined as Line with simbology, that doesn`t appear as I've expected to, only looks like I want when I zoom in very much.</div>
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<div>I've defined the layer as follow</div>
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<div> LAYER<br> NAME "Secciones Lineas"<br> STATUS ON<br> DATA "new_geom FROM (select OID,* from seccion) as foo using unique OID using srid=-1"<br> TYPE LINE<br> CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS
<br> CONNECTION "user=xxx password=*** dbname=xxx host=**.**.**.** port=5432"<br> MAXSCALE 10000<br> CLASS<br> NAME "Secciones"<br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL "secciones"<br> COLOR 0 0 0
<br> SIZE 5<br> END<br> END<br> END</div>
<p>And its symbology:</p>
<p>SYMBOL <br> NAME 'secciones'<br> TYPE ellipse<br> POINTS<br> 1 1<br> END<br> FILLED TRUE<br> STYLE <br> 1 10 20 10 1 10<br> END<br>END</p>
<p>Why when I zoom out does this layer crashes???</p>
<p>I've atteched two images as example, as you see in 'muestra1' the same layer (non-continuos black line) doesn't even seems regular, and in 'muestra2' is when I zoom in and the layer is well drawn.</p>
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