Greetings All,<br>
We have been noticing that some (but not all) WMS raster images look
pretty terrible (extremely low resolution compared to what they should
be) when added to our MapServer application. For instance, from
TerraServer (<a href=""></a>), USGS Digital Ortho
Quads are virtually useless regardless of scale, while USGS DRGs look
decent. Daily MODIS imagery from NASA JPL World Map Service (<span class="label"><a href=""></a>) </span>has also typically been a problem. And there are others...
I have recently been playing with GDAL to display our own rasters, but
also partially with the hope that it might somehow magically fix this
problem (of course it hasn't). <br>
I am wondering whether the display problem is local or if it is on the
data custodian's end, and whether this is typically the case. Is
there any way to correct it? If it is at the custodial end, what
might be done differently to increase the display resolution for WMS
clients (so that we don't make the same mistake)?<br>
I really appreciate any hints or ideas you can offer.<br>
Thanks much!<br>
Jennifer Zeisloft<br>
UW Sea Grant<br>