I'm not sure if this should be posted here or not, if not please point me to the right place.<br><br>I'm having trouble with tile4ms opening the files from at least one of my Metafile.txt files.<br>The command I run is as follows:
<br><br>tile4ms Metafile.txt tileindex<br><br>error is:<br><br>Aborted. Unable to open SHP:/var/mapping/tiger_2005/PriRoad/tiles/PriRoad_0037.200_-105.400<br><br>I thought maybe my filename was too long, but I checked the source, 255 is the max. So I'm OK there.
<br><br>ogrinfo has this to say about the file:<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Layer name: PriRoad_0037.200_-105.400<br>Geometry: Line String<br>Feature Count: 459
<br>Extent: (-104.835908, 36.412144) - (-104.424129, 37.988177)<br>Layer SRS WKT:<br>GEOGCS["NAD83",<br> DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",<br> SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101
]],<br> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],<br> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]<br>MODULE: String (8.0)<br>CFCC: String (3.0)<br>FENAME: String (30.0)<br>FETYPE: String (4.0)<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br>I'm running mapserver version 4.6.0, should I upgrade to 4.8.0?<br><br>The shape is a small file, 50K, so I can provide it if need be.<br><br>thanks<br><br>Jerl<br>