<div>hiii,</div> <div>I am sending you the mapfile alongwith the raster image and the point shapefile .</div> <div>I don't have enough information about projection. I have tried finding a lot of info and read also on the Mapserver site about the same . But couldn't come to any conclusion .</div> <div>What is the projection used for . I accept user clicks(pixel values) on the image and convert into the latitude and longitude making use of the extent specified in the mapfile . Is that incorrect ?</div> <div> </div> <div>thanks a lot for your help.</div> <div>apeksha </div> <div><BR><BR><B><I>luca marletta <lucamarle@gmail.com></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Hi Apeksha,<BR>in order to write in world file where the map is I need to know it and<BR>it can be done if you send me at least 2 point (better far on the tif)<BR>with long and lat and also the
coordinates system you use. better use<BR>the WGS84 that is world wide used.<BR><BR>if the shp is random doesn't help at all.<BR><BR>ok send also the map file I'll have a look<BR><BR>cheers<BR><BR>luca<BR><BR>On 2/28/06, Apeksha Bhambhani <BEPROJECT06@YAHOO.COM>wrote:<BR>> Hii Luca,<BR>> Thanks a lot for your help .<BR>> We have the tiff image of the base map with us . However , what shapefile<BR>> are you talking about . We have the shapefile of the point layer which will<BR>> be plotted on the base map . These points are random points that we chose in<BR>> order to test our application .<BR>> We can also send you the mapfile.<BR>> Thanking you ,<BR>><BR>> Regards<BR>> Apeksha<BR>> luca marletta <LUCAMARLE@GMAIL.COM>wrote:<BR>><BR>> On 2/28/06, Apeksha Bhambhani wrote:<BR>> > Hi luca ,<BR>> ><BR>> > We have developed a web-mapping application . Our mapping application uses<BR>> > Mapserver , Php/Mapscript as the
scripitng language and MySql as the<BR>> > database.And this application accepts user clicks and allows the user to<BR>> > edit the map : adding points, etc.<BR>> > Now for this map , we require a base map - which is a raster layer .<BR>> > We have tried editing the mapfile as follows:<BR>> ><BR>> > LAYER<BR>> > NAME "base"<BR>> > TYPE raster<BR>> > DATA "india.tif"<BR>> > END<BR>> ><BR>> > But this is of no help. The tiff file resides in the shapefiles directory<BR>> > .There is no world file for this tiff file. Do we have to create one on<BR>> our<BR>> > own ? How is it possible to create a world file out of a plain image.<BR>> > We want to include this raster image as our base map. Is this the right<BR>> way<BR>> > or is there any other way?<BR>> ><BR>> > Could someone please help us.<BR>> > Thanks<BR>> > Apeksha<BR>><BR>> World file is needed at for
sure with tif. You can produce it with<BR>> some tools or also just writing it but it could be a boring and long<BR>> job for a lot of tentatives.<BR>><BR>> In both cases you need to know the coordinates system of some pints on<BR>> the tif or better have a georeferenced vector file to match with tif<BR>> and use to georeference it.<BR>><BR>> I could do it for you if you provide both of them to me (tif and<BR>> vector DWG or shp)<BR>><BR>> I'm interested on your application also. let me know more of it<BR>><BR>> cheers<BR>><BR>> luca<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>> --<BR>> luca marletta<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>> ________________________________<BR>> Yahoo! Mail<BR>> Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.<BR>><BR>><BR><BR><BR>--<BR>luca marletta<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p>
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