<DIV>Hi guys</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I am trying to display some hdf files using mapserver, i have compiled gdal with hdf and after that compile mapserver with gdal.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I was able to display some hdf files with mapserver and another i could not. the format of hdf files varies from one file to another "the name of SDS that holds image matrix" how to tell mapserver which tag contain the data . also mapserver ping a white image for hdf files that i could not display and it did not give me an error message . i checked some processing tags like bands ,scale and it is correct.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>The images that i could not display have another attribute called fillvalue these images was generated using CAPS and NAP software.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>what i gave to do to solve this problem.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV><p>
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