Hello all,<br><br>I have a mapinfo text layer and i need to view it on the map.<br>I use ogr2ogr to convert to esri shape format and put in my mapfile but i can't see the layer.<br>I have a multi-thread environment, then i don't want to use OGR, because of mutex.
<br><br>LAYER<br> NAME TB<br> TYPE annotation<br> #STYLEITEM "auto"<br> #CONNECTIONTYPE ogr<br> #CONNECTION "/var/www/maps/TB.TAB"<br> DATA "/var/www/maps/shp/TB"<br> STATUS DEFAULT<br> MINSCALE 1
<br> MAXSCALE 50000<br> CLASS<br> COLOR 255 0 0<br> OUTLINECOLOR 171 158 137<br> END<br>END<br><br clear="all">
Thanks in advance.<br><br>Fred<br><br>-- <br>"Everything under the sun is in tune<br>But the sun is eclipsed by the moon"