<div>Hi All,<br><br>with the shp2tile command, I get some strange results:<br><br>data -- forests.shp (includes 9638 polygons) -- only used for example<br><br>after
performing the commands shp2tile, tile4ms and shptree, this time I
perform additionally the command shptreevis for each shapefile, and I
get the quadtree views for the shapefiles. When I open the
forest_quad.shp and overlay the tileindex_quad.shp on it with QGIS, the
tileindex_quad.shp covers only a small part of the whole forest map
extent, and the returned map image is rendered in the same way, forest
covers only a small part of the map extent.
<br><br>P.S>I tile the shapefile without any additional parameters: shp2tile forests.shp ff.shp -- it gives 2*2 tiling<br><br>three pictures are enclosed in the attachment.<br><br>where: <br>1. quadtree.jpeg -- the quadtree shapefiles opened in QGIS;
<br>2. map.jpeg -- map image rendered with TILEINDEX "tileindex" and TILEITEM "LOCATION";<br>3. forest.jpeg -- forest area rendered with original forests.shp file.</div><span class="q"><br><br>thanks for any further info