<div>Hi guys,</div>
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<div>I have a subfolder with GIFs and corresponding .wld files, after performing the gdaltindex command, a "thousand_tile.shp" shapefile and its related .dbf, .shx and .qix files are created, these seem to be fine in the FWTool shell, I defined the things in the mapfile like this:
<div>EXTENT 205564.586360688 5013961.36761585 672612.323291219 5346702.44618207</div>
<div>SHAPEPATH "./RasterData"</div>
<div>LAYER<br> NAME "Test"<br> TYPE RASTER<br> STATUS DEFAULT<br> TILEINDEX "thousand_tile"<br> TILEITEM "LOCATION"<br> #PROJECTION<br> # "init=epsg:4326"<br>
<div>I've tried also with or without projection information, it still does not work. And the error info in the IE browser is:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'Test'. <br>msSHPOpenFile(): Unable to access file. (/ms4w/apps/Demo/thousand_tile) <br>msSHPOpenFile(): Unable to access file. (/ms4w/apps/Demo/./RasterData/thousand_tile)
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<div>I just wondered why there are two msSHPOpenFIle() error messages, the /Demo/ is the directory of the mapfile, and the thousand_tile.shp is in the subfolder Demo/RasterData. This path setting works for all the other vector shapefiles, if I delete the above defined raster layer, the map image is returned as normal, but with the raster layer the above given error messages are returned instead.
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<div>there should be somewhere a stupid mistake I made, but I have no idea where it is.</div>
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<div>Can you find anything wrong in the above definition?</div>
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<div>I am using MapServer on WINXP with IIS, the backslash and forward slash make no differences, both work well on WINXP.</div>
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<div>thanks so much for lighting me.</div>
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