Hello.<br>I would appreciate any help on the following<br><br>I'm having trouble connecting to MapInfo '.tab' files.<br><br>I have compiled mapserver --with-ogr and I can connect to '.mif' files.<br><br>I am using mapserver 4.8.1 and gdal 1.3.1<br><br>If I do ogrinfo or ogr2ogr on my '.tab' files , I get the following error<br><br>Unable to open datasource `../jmc25kRaster/' with the following drivers. etc<br><br>Error<br><br><br>When I try to a shp2img on a mapfile containing the following<br><br>LAYER <br> GROUP
"jmc25kRaster" <br> TYPE POLYGON <br> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR <br> CONNECTION "/mapdata/jmc25kRaster/543654_ras25.tab"<br> STATUS
ON <br> STYLEITEM "AUTO" <br>END<br><br>I get an the following error: <br> OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection `/mapdata/jmc25kRaster/'. File not found or unsupported format.<br><br>whereas a shp2img on a mapfile with the following layer works ok<br><br>LAYER<br> NAME rivers<br> TYPE LINE<br> STATUS DEFAULT<br> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR<br> CONNECTION "/mapdata/mif_midsample/river.mif"<br> #STYLEITEM
"AUTO"<br>CLASS<br> NAME "rivers"<br> COLOR 0 0 255<br>END<br><br><br>Any ideas?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Donal<br><p> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com