greetings steve thanks for the suggestion.<br>
<pre>this he is mapfile that is used for example 1.9 of the manual of mapserver <br>MAP<br> NAME EX1.9_<br> IMAGETYPE PNG24<br> EXTENT 166221 -371954 1505849 632767 # LAEA<br> #EXTENT -97.5
41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic<br> SIZE 400 300<br> SHAPEPATH "../data"<br> SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym"<br> FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list"<br>
<br> WEB<br> TEMPLATE 'example1-9.html'<br> IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/'<br> IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/'<br> END<br><br> # This is the output PROJECTION definition ------<br> PROJECTION<br> # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways...
<br> # This is the traditional Proj.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area<br> # projection for the Continental U.S.<br> # "proj=laea"<br> # "ellps=clrk66"<br> # "lat_0=45"
<br> # "lon_0=-100"<br> #<br> # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code.<br> # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area<br> # projection for the U.S.<br> "init=epsg:2163"
<br> END<br><br> # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------<br> LAYER # States polygon layer begins here<br> NAME states<br> DATA states_ugl<br> STATUS OFF
<br> TYPE POLYGON<br><br> # Here's an example of the input projection definition.<br> # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection<br> # using the WGS84 datum.<br> #<br> # PROJECTION objects within the LAYER object define the input
<br> # projection--this is the native projection of your data.<br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:4326"<br> END<br><br> CLASSITEM "CLASS"<br><br> CLASS<br> EXPRESSION 'land'<br> STYLE
<br> SYMBOL 0<br> COLOR 232 232 232<br> END<br> END<br> END # States polygon layer ends here<br><br> LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here<br> NAME modis<br> DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif"
<br> STATUS OFF #DEFAULT<br> TYPE RASTER<br> PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3"<br> OFFSITE 71 74 65<br><br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:4326"<br> END<br> END # MODIS raster layer ends here
<br><br> LAYER # MODIS WMS map from JPL (or from USGS)<br> NAME modis_jpl<br> TYPE RASTER<br> OFFSITE 0 0 0<br> STATUS OFF #OFF<br> CONNECTIONTYPE WMS<br> CONNECTION "
<a href=""></a>?"<br><br> METADATA<br> "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"<br> "wms_name" "daily_terra" #"global_mosaic" "daily_aqua"
<br> "wms_server_version" "1.1.1"<br> "wms_format" "image/jpeg"<br> END<br><br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:4326"<br> END<br> END # MODIS WMS image ends here
<br><br> LAYER # States line layer begins here<br> NAME states<br> DATA states_ugl<br> STATUS OFF<br> TYPE LINE<br><br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:4326"<br> END
<br><br> CLASSITEM "CLASS"<br> CLASS<br> EXPRESSION 'land'<br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL 'line5'<br> COLOR 32 32 32<br> SIZE 1<br> END<br> END<br> END # States line layer ends here
<br><br> LAYER # States label layer begins here<br> NAME states<br> DATA states_ugl<br> STATUS OFF<br> TYPE ANNOTATION<br><br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:4326"<br>
END<br><br> CLASSITEM "CLASS"<br> LABELITEM "STATE"<br> CLASS<br> EXPRESSION 'land'<br> STYLE<br> COLOR -1 -1 -1<br> END<br> LABEL<br> COLOR 132 31 31
<br> OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128<br> SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218<br> SHADOWSIZE 1 1<br> TYPE TRUETYPE<br> FONT arial-bold<br> SIZE 12<br> ANTIALIAS TRUE<br> POSITION CL<br>
PARTIALS FALSE<br> MINDISTANCE 200<br> BUFFER 4<br> END # end of label<br> END # end of class<br> END # States label layer ends here<br> # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS -------------------------------
<br><br>END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...<br># End of section 1, dude!</pre>
the question specifies is as the EXTENT calculates <br>
so that it is different from all the used ones in previous examples <br>
<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">2006/7/19, Steve Lime <<a href=""></a>>:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
You can send questions to the mapserver mailing list and I'm sure folks will help if they can.<br><br>Steve<br><br>>>> Eduardo Arévalo <<a href="mailto:earevaloch@GMAIL.COM">earevaloch@GMAIL.COM</a>> 7/19/2006 10:17:08 AM >>>
<br>I am following tutorial of Mapserver written by Pericles S. Nacionales,<br>lodged in<br><a href=""></a><br>I need to make questions on:<br>Section 1
<br>1.9 - Intro to MapServer Modes: map and browse<br><br>as I can be put in contact with them ?????<br><br>thanks<br><br></blockquote></div><br>