<div>Hi All</div>
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<div>I've got an issue with ArcSde and MapServer running in a windows environment. I've copied the arcsde 9.1 libmap.dll and ogr_sde.dll into the MS directory.</div>
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<div> I have an ArcSDE 9.1 media pack client library installed on the mapserver box and a remote server with ArcSde 8.3. I can connect - as when I have invalid credentials I get valid errors return from MS - and I can find the sde layers - if I have the wrong TYPE for the layer then I get an error message from MS - all correct.
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<div>The issue arises that when I have the correct connection string and the correct layer name I get an application error dialog box appearing with a memory read error. I can't seem to get any debug messages via the ms.log
and also the mapserv -v via the command prompt says I have input type SDE.</div>
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<div>I'm sure it will be a little tweak but am starting to lose it a bit - also I am on a client site so can't debug etc through the night.</div>
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<div> LAYER<br> NAME Landline <br> TYPE POLYGON<br> STATUS default<br> CONNECTION "<a href=""></a>,port:5156,UNI7,sde,sde"<br> CONNECTIONTYPE SDE<br> DATA "UNISDELIVE.UFRM_BCPLOT_POLY
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<div>Has anyone come across this before? </div>
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<div>Thanks in advance</div>