Hi all, <br><br>I want to use true type fonts in my maps and I am using the following setup:<br><br>a "font" folder with: arial.ttf arialbd.ttf.<br>also in this folder is placed the fontset.txt:<br>arial arial.ttf<br>arialbd arialbd.ttf<br><br><br>and finally in my map file<br><br>..<br>FONTSET "..\font\fontset.txt"<br>....<br> LABEL<br> TYPE truetype<br> FONT arialbd<br> SIZE 9<br><br><br>but the mapserver produces ::<br><br> msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. Requested font (arialbd) not found. <br><br><br><br>I am completely stuck here.<br>The mapserver sees the fontset.txt, (if i rename it it produces an repsective error message) but it can not read the aliases!<br><br><br>kio<p>
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